Typedia is Here

Typedia logo, designed by John Langdon.

Typedia, a shared, online encyclopedia of typefaces, just launched today.

It’s the brainchild of Jason Santa Maria, who invited me to contribute when it was in its early planning stage. I helped mostly with the classification system. (I actually have mixed feelings about classification systems in general and I think the tags will be ultimately more useful. But the classifications will at least provide a starting point.)

I’m very excited about Typedia. I’m hoping it will be the online equivalent of resources like Matt McGrew’s American Metal Typefaces of the Twentieth Century or Jaspert, Berry & Johnson’s Encyclopeadia of Type Faces, two books I rely on when I want to know the history of a typeface (see my Son of Typecasting series).

However, unlike a printed book, Typedia will be continuously updated and will grow in its usefulness as more and more people contribute to it.